What are recurrent urinary tract infections?
Also called chronic or persistent, UTIs are considered recurrent if you’ve had more than three positive urine cultures over the course of one year or two during the previous six months. This painful and irritating problem affects 20-30% of all women.
A UTI is a bacterial infection of the urinary tract, which includes your bladder, kidneys, ureters, and urethra. Infections are most common in the bladder and urethra. An infection that spreads to the kidneys may be a serious medical condition that requires immediate treatment.
What are the symptoms of a urinary tract infection?
UTI symptoms vary depending on which part of the urinary tract is infected. Common symptoms of a UTI include:
- A painful, burning sensation when urinating
- Pelvic pain or pressure
- Cloudy or discolored urine
- Strong-smelling urine
- Frequent urination in small amounts
- A strong urge to urinate
If the infection spreads to your kidneys, you may also experience flu-like symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills.
Who gets recurrent urinary tract infections?
Both men and women get UTIs, but this condition is much more common in women. This is partly due to structural differences in male and female urinary tracts. Women have shorter urethras, which means bacteria don’t have to travel as far.
Risk factors for recurrent UTIs include:
- A painful, burning sensation when urinating
- Pelvic pain or pressure
- Cloudy or discolored urine
- Strong-smelling urine
- Frequent urination in small amounts
- A strong urge to urinate
If the infection spreads to your kidneys, you may also experience flu-like symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills.
Who gets recurrent urinary tract infections?
Both men and women get UTIs, but this condition is much more common in women. This is partly due to structural differences in male and female urinary tracts. Women have shorter urethras, which means bacteria don’t have to travel as far.
Risk factors for recurrent UTIs include:
- Having sex
- Using spermicide
- Using oral contraceptives
- Personal history of UTIs
Changes to your vagina and urinary tract that occur after menopause can also increase your risk of recurrent UTIs.
How are recurrent urinary tract infections diagnosed and treated?
First, your provider at Bela Vida Urogynecology spends time reviewing your symptoms and medical history. She performs a physical and pelvic exam, which may include a urine culture test to check for a bacterial infection.
Then, she develops an individualized treatment plan that best suits your needs. Antibiotics are a common treatment for UTIs. Your Bela Vida Urogynecology provider may recommend taking antibiotics in advance to prevent recurrent infections.
Depending on your situation, antibiotic treatment for recurrent UTIs may include:
- Taking a low dose daily
- Only taking them after you have sex
- Waiting until you notice the first symptoms of a UTI
If chronic or recurring UTIs are interfering with your life, call Bela Vida Urogynecology or book an appointment online for effective relief today.